About Me

I currently work as a Senior Scientist at Lightcast Discovery.

Previously, I worked as a Research Associate in Soft Matter Biophysics at the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, University of Manchester in the group of Dr Richard Campbell. My research focused on the interactions of nanoparticles with model lung surfactant systems to stimulate and characterise reservoir nucleation in lipid biomembranes under respiratory conditions. For the investigation of the interactions I used interfacial characterisation techniques such as Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM), ellipsometry, optical and neutron reflectometry.

Prior to this I completed a PhD at the Institute of Multiscale Thermofluids, University of Edinburgh, working under the supervision of Dr John Christy and Professor Khellil Sefiane. My research focused on the drying of micro-litre droplets of biological fluids (such as blood serum or urine) as a tool for early disease diagnosis; specifically for bladder cancer. In particular, I was interested in how the substrate properties, environmental conditions and fluid composition affect the drying process, internal flows and final desiccation patterns arising from droplet evaporation.

Originally from Limassol, Cyprus, I received a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and a MSc in Biomedical Engineering from the Cyprus University of Technology. Over the duration of my master’s I was member of the BioLISYS (Biomechanics and Living Systems Analysis) Lab at the Cyprus University of Technology where I worked on the development of a targeted breast cancer treatment via the use of Wharton’s Jelly mesenchymal stem cells, under the supervision of Professor Andreas Anayiotos and Dr Konstantinos Kapnisis.


  • Ph.D Engineering, 2017-2021
    The University of Edinburgh, UK
  • MSc Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2017
    Cyprus University of Technology
  • BSc Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 2011-2015
    Cyprus University of Technology

Research Interests

  • (Bio-)Fluid Mechanics and Droplet Dynamics
  • Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Interfacial Phenomena & Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Biophysics
  • Data Science and ML (Computer Vision)